Create a New IASLC Member Account

This page is only to be utilized to join the IASLC for the first time as a brand new user. 

Current and Previous IASLC Members: Please login at the IASLC Member Portal instead. If you need assistance updating your account, please contact [email protected]

New Users Who Are Joining the IASLC for the First Time - Please create an account below. Please note the Email you provide on this screen will also serve as your username for future login access. 

Existing Users with an Open IASLC Membership Application- Please login below using your username (email) and password to finish the join process as a new member.

Your password must contain: 

  • At least one digit
  • At least one upper case alphabet 
  • One symbol from this list @#$%!
  • At least 8 characters in length 

Create a New Account

Brand new users to the IASLC should create an account here.